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    Exhibitions & Events

    Tribute to Panagiotis Potagos “between heaven and earth” in Nymphes, 31/08/2023

    Αφιέρωμα στον Παναγιώτη Ποταγό


    Aug 2023
    Nymfes Square 1 See the Map


    The DIPETHE Corfu, in collaboration with the Municipality of V. Kerkyra and the Association of Peloponnesians in Corfu ‘O Morias’, presents a performance – tribute to the explorer and doctor Panagiotis Potagos, who traveled to Asia and Africa in the late 19th century, and lived and worked in Nymfes of North Corfu until his death in 1903. Panagiotis Potagos “between heaven and earth” Thursday, August 31, 2023, at the central square of Nymfes. Starting time: 20.15. Free entrance. For friends who wish to participate from the city of Corfu, a bus will depart at 6:00 PM from Sette Venti (New Port Junction). Seat reservations at: 6972554332. Dramatic adaptation – Direction: Spyros Sourvinos. Original Music Composition: Manthos Damigos. Researcher – Scientific collaborator: Nikos Dimitrios Mamalos. Poster and brochure design: Maria Golfinopoulou. Photography: Babis Mitsialis. Recording of the performance: Dimitris Boukas. Dramatic consultant: Georgina Kakoudaki. PERFORMANCE ID: Performers: Manthos Damigos, Spyros Sourvinos. Friendly participation by actors: Hektoras Kaloudis, Christina Rokadaki. Theatrical Workshop and Choir of Nymfes. Panagiotis Potagos (1838-1903) is undoubtedly the greatest modern Greek traveler. During the period 1867-1883, he traveled to Asia and Africa, following in many ways the path of Alexander the Great and the Route of Metaxas, leaving a multitude of on-site descriptions, observations, and conclusions about both the people and the geophysical environment. He did not use scientific instruments and relied on the corresponding descriptions of ancient historians and geographers. His work, published in 1883 in Greek and in 1885 in French, initially gained recognition from foreign geographical services, in complete mismatch with his treatment by the elite of the Greek political and intellectual world. Gradually, romanticism covered the scientific observations and clouded the biographical information, so that his death in Nymfes of Corfu, where he had mysteriously withdrawn for about 17 years, obscured tangible data. The study of his work, both published and unpublished, along with his biography, reveals a personality with a deep humanistic conscience, amidst a colonial atmosphere, and with original thinking about human civilization and geography. Nikos-Dimitrios Mamalos.



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