The Philharmonic was established on May 3, 1909 in Skripero village and is the fourth Philharmonic, in order of establishment, in Corfu island. Providing musical education for free, the Society aims to the cultural upgrading of the Corfiot countryside.
The Society is housed in a privately owned building, with an event hall of 285 sq.m., a stage of 70 sq.m. and fully equipped classrooms.
It operates a band and a student band (bandina) and the current conductor is Nikos Kaisaris.
The Philharmonic Society of Skripero participates to this day in a number of cultural and religious events.
Apart from Corfu, it has given concerts in other cities in Greece and also abroad.
President: Diogenis Michalakis
Φιλαρμονικός Σύλλογος Σκριπερού